Bruce and Anne's Photo Diary

The adventures of Bruce, Anne, Mason, Torren and Sophie Arthur.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Grade 1

Mason is now a big Grade 1 boy and appears to have settled very well into 1/2 Tanya. He has enjoyed catching up with all his friends, and, even though some are in other classrooms, he plays with them at playlunch and lunch time. He took his Big Book of Knowledge to school yesterday and was quite chuffed when Tanya (his teacher) read the information about the sun to the class. He was even more chuffed when she asked if he could bring the book back in today.

Torren has started 4 yr old kinder and has also settled in very well. Just think, this time next year, Torren will be starting Prep and Sophie will be starting 3 yr old kinder!


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